There’s a long running tradition in the music world where bands and artists pay tribute to those who inspired them by covering their favorite songs from the past. Thankfully the heavier bands take advantage of this trend more often than others, giving us a different perspective on songs we thought couldn’t get any better than what was originally recorded. These are a few heavy cover songs which may or may not be better than the original, but deserve credit for putting a heavy spin on an already great song.
Renegades of Funk
Original Artist: Afrika Bambaataa
Covered by: Rage Against the Machine
There are a lot of heavy metal artists and fans alike who shy away from the groove, but its nice to see bands like RATM embrace it with such intense ferocity.
Sweet Dreams (Are Made Of This)
Original Artist: Eurythmics
Covered by: Marilyn Manson
This was a rare moment when everything fell perfectly into place for Marilyn Manson, who debuted his twisted imagination to a mass audience with this track.
Summer Breeze
Original Artist: Seals and Croft
Covered by: Type O Negative
Type O Negative is known for covering songs on almost every album they release, and they never fail to surprise us with how good they can pull it off each time.
War Pigs
Original Artist: Black Sabbath
Covered by: Faith No More
Its no easy walk in the park to cover a song like this and achieve any sort of notoriety, but Faith No More were up to the task and completely nailed it.
Hallowed be Thy Name
Original Artist: Iron Maiden
Covered by: Cradle of Filth
Many people have a hard time getting past the unique vocal stylings of Cradle of Filth’s lead singer, but this cover makes up for that with such an intense performance.
Am I Evil
Original Artist: Diamond Head
Covered by: Metallica
Back when Metallica’s lead singer had that signature scratch in his throat, they recorded what many consider to be one of the best heavy cover songs of all time.
Burn In Hell
Original Artist: Twisted Sister
Covered by: Dimmu Borgir
Leave it to these Norwegian demons to take a song that was featured in Pee Wee’s Big Adventure, and turn it into a black metal infused anthem.
Planet Caravan
Original Artist: Black Sabbath
Covered by: Pantera
While this cover doesn’t feature Pantera’s signature distortion, the song still has a heavy feel to it thanks in part to Dimebag’s remarkable guitar work.
Perfect Strangers
Original Artist: Deep Purple
Covered by: Dream Theater
Dream Theater’s relationship with Derek Sherinian didn’t last too long, but he certainly took this opportunity to shine with such a signature keyboard performance.